52 Films By Women
Introducing Popticon’s Weekly Reviews of
Films by Female Directors
Last year, I head about a movement called ’52 Films By Women’. Sparked by the unequal gender opportunities in the film industry, Women In Film (WIF) started the initiative in 2015, asking people to join the pledge to “watch a film a week by a woman for one year.” Taken from an article published in 2016 by Marie Claire Australia, here are some of the facts relevant to the cause:
- 30.8 % of speaking characters are women
- 26.2% of women actors get partially naked – while only 9.4 % of men do
- 10.6 % increase in female characters on screen is observed when a women is directing
- 50 % of movie tickets sold in the US are purchased by women
Perhaps most egregious of all, in the 88 years since the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was established, only four women have been nominated for the Oscar for Best Director. That one of them actually won the coveted award (Kathryn Bigelow in 2009 for The Hurt Locker) does little to allay this injustice.
If you were following my posts from last year, you’ll know that it was not a lack of enthusiasm but rather time and momentum that saw my efforts trickle to a dismal stop midway through the year.
Fortunately, Popticon has heralded my return, where I shall start again from the beginning and power my way through until the 52nd film. Every Friday, starting on January 6th, you’ll cop the full, unslashed versions of my reviews in all their extended glory. You can follow along and make your own pledge to watch a weekly movie directed by a female for the year here: https://womeninfilm.org/52-films/
Let us know your thoughts on each pick and, most importantly, sit back, relax and enjoy!

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