Still to Come in 2017
The 20 Best TV Shows
Still to Come in 2017
You’re Not Ready for All of the Good Television Premiering over the Next Two Months
You’re Not Ready for All of the Good Television Premiering over the Next Two Months
Featuring Forgotten Gods and Silver Screen Idols, A City of Love and a Land of Torment and a Tale of Two Brothers
The Second Half of 2017 is Full of Heists, Wars, Diseases, Alternate Dimensions, Far Away Galaxies and… Underpants
The Second Season of Aziz Ansari’s Early-Middle Age Lovechild is As Warm and Humanistic As Ever One or two word signifiers don’t work for TV anymore. Usually. Yeah, Game of Thrones is a “medieval fantasy”, Fargo is a “crime saga” and The Young Pope is a “mindfuck”, but those are still fairly shallow descriptions of much deeper shows. And …
Apparently This is “The First Day of the Rest of Your Life”. I Am Utterly, Incontinently Terrified by That Notion I can’t do a typical write-up for this episode, recounting the plot and remarking on its significance, trying to parse out some thematic relevance in proceedings or discussing how the characters move from A …
There Will Be More Good Shows on TV in April Alone Than We Sometimes See in Entire Years. It’s Almost Scary In a little less than two weeks, the most jampacked month of new and returning television will be kicking off, and you are not ready. Christ, I spend virtually all of my waking …
It’s Mostly Business as Usual with Some Few and Far Between Surprises at this Year’s Golden Globe Awards The 74th Golden Globe Awards open in a uniquely Golden Globes way, with a lacklustre musical number where host Jimmy Fallon is upstaged by Justin Timberlake before the teleprompter cuts out and he awkwardly jokes about …
“Monsters” Foolishly Indulges the Show’s Worst Impulse: Letting Its Characters Talk, A Lot