So Far, part 2
The 15 Best Episodes of TV in 2017…
So Far, part 2
Featuring Some Very Different Versions of the Afterlife and a Buttload of Struggles with Abuse
Featuring Some Very Different Versions of the Afterlife and a Buttload of Struggles with Abuse
One of the Most Mystifying Shows Ever Made Ends the Way it Lived, Revealing Nothing While Saying Everything What happens when we die? This is a rhetorical exercise, obviously, so please don’t send me any pamphlets, but, as far as unanswerable questions go, there aren’t really any higher than that of death. Even if …
There Will Be More Good Shows on TV in April Alone Than We Sometimes See in Entire Years. It’s Almost Scary In a little less than two weeks, the most jampacked month of new and returning television will be kicking off, and you are not ready. Christ, I spend virtually all of my waking …
We Take a Look at Some of Our Favourite Programs That, For Whatever Reason, Weren’t Around Last Year